孪-SIAMESE-孪 [2019]
<孪-SIAMESE-孪> is an experimental audio visual installation. critical exploration of industrial developments and meticulous control of visuals and sound generate a unique artistic language, spawning mesmerising sensory experiences. With the dramatic juxtaposition of spinning machines and laser light, SIAMESE represents another amalgamation of various technical mediums and audiovisual modes of expression. It attempts to closely examine the relationship between human beings, nature and the machine industry against the backdrop of the British Industrial Revolution, offering a glimpse at the future of human beings.
《孪-SIAMESE-孪》⽤对技术的批判性把控创造了独特的艺术语⾔,利⽤1968年的纺织机元素与激光的视觉并置,巧妙引申 出不同材质、时空的嫁接,以精准的切⼊点试图审视英国⼯业⾰命背景下⼈类与⾃然、⼯业关系的宏⼤命题,从中窥⻅⼈类未来⽆限的可能性。
New Lanark Mills - Operational loom - Mill No.3 | Photo from www.newlanark.org
New Lanark cotton mill early 19th century | Photo from www.historynotes.info
LU SISI and his team filmed and recorded sound at New Lanark Cotton Mills.